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If you love reading, you know that finding books to read can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are many websites that make it easy to discover new books and authors. Here are some tips on how to find books using these websites. Book Recommendation Websites - There are many websites that offer book recommendations based on your reading preferences. Goodreads is one of the most popular recommendation websites. It allows you to rate books you've read and receive recommendations based on your ratings. Other recommendation websites include BookBub, LibraryThing, and What Should I Read Next. Best-Seller Lists - Best-seller lists can be a great way to find popular and highly recommended books. Websites like The New York Times, Publisher's Weekly, and Amazon offer best-seller lists in various categories, such as fiction, non-fiction, and children's books. Author Websites - If you have a favorite author, check out their website. Many authors have blogs or newsletters where they share information about their latest releases and upcoming projects. You can also find information about the author's backlist and other recommended reads. Online Book Clubs - Joining an online book club can be a great way to discover new books and connect with other readers. Websites like Goodreads and Book Riot offer online book clubs that focus on different genres or themes. Book Review Websites - Book review websites can provide valuable insights into new books and authors. Websites like Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and BookPage offer professional reviews of the latest releases in various genres. In conclusion, finding books to read can be a fun and rewarding process when you know where to look. By using these websites, you can discover new authors, genres, and books that you may have never found otherwise. So start browsing and happy reading!

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